
C2 Seviye İngilizce Testi - 50 Soruluk

50 adet C2 seviye İngilizce sorusu:

1. The ____ of the new technology is evident in its impact on various industries.
   a) significance
   b) unimportance
   c) indifference

2. The author's writing is characterized by its ____ use of metaphors and symbolism.
   a) intricate
   b) simple
   c) basic

3. The artist's work has been ____ in galleries around the world.
   a) exhibited
   b) hidden
   c) concealed

4. The committee reached a unanimous ____ on the issue.
   a) consensus
   b) disagreement
   c) dispute

5. She is known for her ____ sense of humor, often leaving people in stitches with her jokes.
   a) uproarious
   b) somber
   c) dull

6. The success of the company is largely ____ to its innovative approach to product development.
   a) attributed
   b) rejected
   c) ignored

7. The orchestra performed a ____ rendition of the classical piece.
   a) magnificent
   b) mundane
   c) ordinary

8. The film received critical ____ and was praised for its storytelling.
   a) acclaim
   b) criticism
   c) rejection

9. The company's CEO has a reputation for his ____ leadership style.
   a) visionary
   b) shortsighted
   c) careless

10. The research findings were ____ by experts in the field.
    a) validated
    b) disproved
    c) negated

11. The new law aims to ____ discrimination and promote equality.
    a) eradicate
    b) tolerate
    c) ignore

12. He is a ____ linguist who can fluently speak multiple languages.
    a) polyglot
    b) monolingual
    c) bilingual

13. The project required a high level of ____ and precision.
    a) accuracy
    b) inaccuracy
    c) mistake

14. The company's success can be ____ to its dedicated and talented employees.
    a) attributed
    b) denied
    c) rejected

15. The novel's plot is ____ and full of unexpected twists.
    a) intricate
    b) simple
    c) basic

16. The company is committed to ____ environmentally sustainable practices.
    a) adopting
    b) abandoning
    c) ignoring

17. The professor delivered an ____ lecture on the topic of artificial intelligence.
    a) insightful
    b) shallow
    c) superficial

18. She displayed great ____ in handling the difficult situation.
    a) resilience
    b) fragility
    c) weakness

19. The team worked ____ to meet the tight deadline.
    a) diligently
    b) lazily
    c) carelessly

20. The author's work is ____ and appeals to a wide range of readers.
    a) versatile
    b) specialized
    c) narrow

21. The government has implemented new ____ to regulate financial institutions.
    a) regulations
    b) liberties
    c) constraints

22. The organization's mission is to ____ awareness about climate change.
    a) raise
    b) lower
    c) decrease

23. The CEO ____ the company's goals and vision for the future.
    a) outlined
    b) obscured
    c) concealed

24. The concert was a ____ success, with a sold-out crowd and standing ovations.
    a) resounding
    b) quiet
    c) subdued

25. The film's ____ performance by the lead actor left a lasting impression on the audience.
    a) outstanding
    b) mediocre
    c) inferior

26. The company's reputation for quality and integrity is ____.
    a) unparalleled
    b) comparable
    c) ordinary

27. The ____ challenges of the project required a highly skilled team.
    a) formidable
    b) easy
    c) simple

28. The government has ___ a new policy to address the issue of affordable housing.
    a) introduced
    b) removed
    c) eliminated

29. Her ability to ____ complex ideas in a simple and engaging manner makes her a great teacher.
    a) convey
    b) obscure
    c) withhold

30. The ____ of the novel is set in a dystopian future where society has collapsed.
    a) premise
    b) conclusion
    c) ending

31. The team worked ____ to complete the project ahead of schedule.
    a) tirelessly
    b) casually
    c) sporadically

32. The new software offers a wide range of ____ features for data analysis.
    a) advanced
    b) rudimentary
    c) basic

33. The ____ success of the product led to an increase in sales.
    a) unprecedented
    b) common
    c) ordinary

34. She is widely recognized for her ____ contributions to the field of science.
    a) groundbreaking
    b) mediocre
    c) ordinary

35. The company's ____ to excellence sets it apart from its competitors.
    a) commitment
    b) indifference
    c) negligence

36. The company is ____ its operations to new international markets.
    a) expanding
    b) contracting
    c) shrinking

37. The professor gave an ____ lecture on the history of art.
    a) insightful
    b) uninformative
    c) shallow

38. The debate on environmental conservation is a ____ topic in today's world.
    a) crucial
    b) trivial
    c) insignificant

39. The artist's work is known for its ____ use of color and form.
    a) innovative
    b) traditional
    c) ordinary

40. The team made a ____ effort to complete the project on time.
    a) concerted
    b) isolated
    c) individual

41. The ____ of the book was an unexpected and satisfying twist in the plot.
    a) climax
    b) beginning
    c) introduction

42. The company's ____ approach to marketing has brought in a diverse customer base.
    a) innovative
    b) conventional
    c) ordinary

43. The new legislation aims to promote ____ of speech and expression.
    a) freedom
    b) censorship
    c) restriction

44. The company's ____ to quality control has resulted in high customer satisfaction.
    a) dedication
    b) indifference
    c) carelessness

45. The success of the project was a ____ effort by all team members.
    a) collaborative
    b) individual
    c) independent

46. The novel's ____ is built on the theme of love and sacrifice.
    a) narrative
    b) plot
    c) setting

47. The manager's ____ instructions were difficult to follow.
    a) unclear
    b) clear
    c) evident

48. The organization has implemented new ____ to ensure the safety of its employees.
    a) measures
    b) freedoms
    c) liberties

49. The ____ of the new design was met with enthusiastic approval.
    a) unveiling
    b) concealment
    c) hiding

50. She asked me to ____

  işte sorulara verilen cevaplar:

1. a) significance
2. a) intricate
3. a) exhibited
4. a) consensus
5. a) uproarious
6. a) attributed
7. a) magnificent
8. a) acclaim
9. a) visionary
10. a) validated
11. a) eradicate
12. a) polyglot
13. a) accuracy
14. a) attributed
15. a) intricate
16. a) adopting
17. a) insightful
18. a) resilience
19. a) diligently
20. a) versatile
21. a) regulations
22. a) raise
23. a) outlined
24. a) resounding
25. a) outstanding
26. a) unparalleled
27. a) formidable
28. a) introduced
29. a) convey
30. a) premise
31. a) tirelessly
32. a) advanced
33. a) unprecedented
34. a) groundbreaking
35. a) commitment
36. a) expanding
37. a) insightful
38. a) crucial
39. a) innovative
40. a) concerted
41. a) climax
42. a) innovative
43. a) freedom
44. a) dedication
45. a) collaborative
46. a) narrative
47. a) unclear
48. a) measures
49. a) unveiling
50. b) to join her in the meeting.