**Soru 1-5:**
1. What's your name?
a) I am 7 years old.
b) My name is Emily.
c) It's a red ball.
d) I like pizza.
2. How many fingers do you have on one hand?
a) Three
b) Five
c) Seven
d) Ten
3. Which of these is a fruit?
a) Car
b) Banana
c) Desk
d) Book
4. What color is the sky on a sunny day?
a) Red
b) Green
c) Blue
d) Orange
5. What do you use to write with?
a) Chair
b) Pencil
c) Dog
d) Apple
**Soru 6-10:**
6. How many legs does a cat have?
a) Two
b) Four
c) Six
d) Eight
7. What is the opposite of "hot"?
a) Cold
b) Big
c) Fast
d) Tall
8. What is your favorite color?
a) Red
b) Banana
c) Dog
d) Emily
9. What is the weather like when it snows?
a) Sunny
b) Rainy
c) Snowy
d) Cloudy
10. How do you say "hello" in English?
a) Bonjour
b) Hola
c) Hello
d) Ciao
**Soru 11-15:**
11. What is the color of a banana?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Yellow
d) Green
12. Which animal says "meow"?
a) Dog
b) Cat
c) Elephant
d) Bird
13. How many days are there in a week?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
14. What comes after Tuesday?
a) Sunday
b) Monday
c) Wednesday
d) Saturday
15. Which of these is a vegetable?
a) Apple
b) Carrot
c) Bike
d) Ball
**Soru 16-20:**
16. What do you wear on your head when it's sunny?
a) Shoes
b) Hat
c) Socks
d) Shirt
17. Which of these is not a color?
a) Green
b) Elephant
c) Purple
d) Orange
18. What is the shape of a ball?
a) Square
b) Circle
c) Triangle
d) Rectangle
19. Which season comes after summer?
a) Winter
b) Spring
c) Fall
d) Summer
20. What do you use to cut paper?
a) Scissors
b) Pen
c) Fork
d) Plate
**Soru 21-25:**
21. How many eyes do you have?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Two
d) Six
22. What do you use to eat soup?
a) Spoon
b) Fork
c) Knife
d) Chopsticks
23. Which of these is not a fruit?
a) Banana
b) Carrot
c) Apple
d) Grape
24. What is the opposite of "big"?
a) Tall
b) Small
c) Fast
d) Long
25. What is the color of the grass?
a) Blue
b) Yellow
c) Red
d) Green
**Soru 26-30:**
26. How many fingers do you have on one hand?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Five
d) Six
27. What is the weather like when it's windy?
a) Sunny
b) Rainy
c) Snowy
d) Windy
28. How do you say "goodbye" in English?
a) Bonjour
b) Hola
c) Goodbye
d) Ciao
29. What is your favorite toy?
a) Pizza
b) Ball
c) Teddy bear
d) Book
30. What do you use to brush your teeth?
a) Comb
b) Toothbrush
c) Fork
d) Plate
Bu 30 soruluk test, 2. sınıf seviyesindeki öğrencilerin temel İngilizce bilgilerini ölçmek için kullanılabilir. Soruların karmaşıksız ve anlaşılır olmasına dikkat edilmelidir. İhtiyacınıza göre testi özelleştirebilirsiniz.
Elbette, 2. sınıf seviyesinde 30 soruluk bir İngilizce çoktan seçmeli testi hazırlayabilirim. İşte örnek sorular:
**Soru 1-5: Renkler (Colors)**
1. What color is the sky?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Green
d) Yellow
2. Which of these is a color?
a) Banana
b) Dog
c) Red
d) Chair
3. What color are apples?
a) Orange
b) Blue
c) Green
d) Pink
4. What color is grass?
a) Yellow
b) Purple
c) Red
d) Green
5. Which color is the stop sign?
a) Blue
b) Yellow
c) Green
d) Red
**Soru 6-10: Sayılar (Numbers)**
6. How many fingers do you have on one hand?
a) Three
b) Five
c) Seven
d) Ten
7. What comes after the number 4?
a) 2
b) 5
c) 10
d) 8
8. How do you say "six" in English?
a) Beş
b) On
c) Altı
d) Yedi
9. What is the number before 9?
a) 7
b) 10
c) 6
d) 8
10. How many days are there in a week?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 7
d) 8
**Soru 11-15: Hayvanlar (Animals)**
11. What is the sound a cat makes?
a) Moo
b) Quack
c) Woof
d) Meow
12. Which of these is a bird?
a) Elephant
b) Cat
c) Dog
d) Eagle
13. What is a baby dog called?
a) Kitten
b) Puppy
c) Cub
d) Chick
14. What animal can swim in water?
a) Elephant
b) Monkey
c) Fish
d) Horse
15. What is a baby cat called?
a) Calf
b) Cub
c) Kitten
d) Puppy
**Soru 16-20: Vücut Parçaları (Body Parts)**
16. What do you use to see things?
a) Ears
b) Hands
c) Nose
d) Eyes
17. Which body part do you use to walk?
a) Ear
b) Mouth
c) Leg
d) Arm
18. What do you use to smell things?
a) Hand
b) Nose
c) Foot
d) Eye
19. What do you use to eat food?
a) Eye
b) Ear
c) Mouth
d) Foot
20. Which body part do you use to hear sounds?
a) Nose
b) Mouth
c) Hand
d) Ear
**Soru 21-25: Gıdalar (Foods)**
21. What is a yellow fruit?
a) Pizza
b) Banana
c) Ice cream
d) Cake
22. What do you put on bread?
a) Shoes
b) Hat
c) Butter
d) Socks
23. What do you drink when you are thirsty?
a) Juice
b) Candy
c) Cake
d) Burger
24. Which of these is a vegetable?
a) Apple
b) Carrot
c) Ice cream
d) Pizza
25. What is a round, red fruit?
a) Watermelon
b) Strawberry
c) Banana
d) Orange
**Soru 26-30: Okul Malzemeleri (School Supplies)**
26. What do you use to write on paper?
a) Backpack
b) Pencil
c) Hat
d) Shirt
27. What do you use to draw pictures?
a) Eraser
b) Ruler
c) Crayon
d) Spoon
28. Where do you keep your books and pencils at school?
a) Refrigerator
b) Closet
c) Desk
d) Stove
29. What do you use to cut paper?
a) Scissors
b) Toothbrush
c) Fork
d) Plate
30. What do you use to erase mistakes when you write with a pencil?
a) Pen
b) Marker
c) Eraser
d) Crayon
Bu örnek test, 2. sınıf İngilizce öğrencilerinin temel İngilizce bilgilerini ölçmek için kullanılabilir. Testi ihtiyacınıza göre özelleştirebilirsiniz.